I specialize in researching and writing profiles and narrative nonfiction. I go to (almost) any length to bring authenticity to engaging articles. I have:
- learned how to fly fish
- gone soaring in a glider
- hobnobbed with accomplished painters and photographers
- learned all about organic gardening and midwifery (not for the same piece!)
- donned a hardhat and muddied my shoes on construction sites
- gotten teary-eyed over difficult lives made whole again
I’ve also served as editor of several consumer and institutional magazines, newsletters and annual reports, developing unique insight into the larger needs of the organization and its audiences.
Following are some magazines and newspapers for which I have written and/or edited. See Portfolio page for samples.
- Bucks County Town & Country Living
- Bucks County Woman
- Bucks Living Magazine
- Bucks & Montgomery Living
- Chestnut Hill Local
- Horizons (Delaware Valley University magazine)
- Temple Review (Temple University magazine)
- Liberty Sports Magazine
- Modern Bride
- Nouveau
- Bucks County Herald
- Chestnut Hill Local
- Intelligencer/Bucks County Courier
- Doylestown Observer
- Hard Hat News
- Philadelphia Inquirer